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  • Classifieds Postings
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Kijiji
  • Marketing
  • Marketing Automation
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • SEO


  • Post your ads on top canadian classified

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    You want to sell your stuff, products, and services locally or online? I will post classified ads on the best Canadian classified site on a regular basis to reach the best results. I will need access...

    Classifieds PostingsKeyword OptimizationKijijiMarketingMarketing Automation
  • Conversion Rate Optimization

    $50/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I've consulted more than 1,000 companies and addressed more than 5,000 people in talks and seminars throughout the US, Canada and 70 other countries worldwide. I had travelled and worked in over 107 countries...

    Search Engine MarketingSearch Engine Optimization


REAL CHANGE happens when you have a clear business model that serves the next phase of your business & the capacity to take action. Contact me

I operate like a virtual marketing director ensuring you hold space for strategy & complement your role.

I've consulted more than 1,000 companies and addressed more than 5,000 people in talks and seminars throughout the US, Canada and 70 other countries worldwide. I had travelled and worked in over 107 countries on six continents and speak four languages. I am active in community and national affairs, and I'm the Co-Owner of several companies headquartered in Canada.

Prior to founding my companies, I worked as a Marketing Director for several billion-dollar companies. I have had successful careers in marketing and sales, investments, web development, importation, distribution and management consulting. I have conducted high level consulting assignments with several billion-dollar plus corporations in strategic planning and organizational development.

Work Terms

Hourly, Contract, Part-Time, Fixed or Monthly Services

Attachments (Click to Preview)