I started my serious career thinking during my junior year of high school when I began attending the Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities where I lived, studied academics, and primarily studied voice as my art focus. I learned amazing study and practice skills starting my days at 8:30 AM and ending my days at 6:00 PM. I ended up not going to college for classical voice and decided to attend my local community college to save money and attend the marketing program because I have a love for the background of sales and how the consumer gets to their decision of buying a specific product. My best subjects in school so far have been economics, psychology, and marketing principles in which I made A's in each of my classes pertaining to those subjects. I currently work at a Country Club Golf Shop as a merchandising and retail assistant where I make displays, handle inventory, make sales, input golf scores, assist in tournaments, plan for events, and make numerous phone calls every day. My skills are also refined in customer service since I have been excelling at it for three years now at Whole Foods Market in the customer service department and at the prestigious country club I currently am employed at where the customer service is required to be the very best at all times. Right now my school schedule and full time job are clashing and I would like to go part time and find some assistant jobs online to make up for my hours and to obtain even more experience to refine my skills.