To transform our clients' adoption of latest technology through innovative solutions, maintaining exceptional quality, utmost efficiency and on-time delivery.
Experienced in various Blockchain technologies like Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Indy, Aries, SSI, DIDs, Smart contract, with multiple POCs and pilot projects. Skilled at Full Stack development with Java, SpringBoot, Postgres, MySQL, Thymeleaf, Javascript.
. Working on all aspects of SDLC.
. NodeJS, Blockchain, DevOps, GCP
. Blockchain- Ethereum, Hyperledger, QLDB, Quorum.
. Experience with Blockchain frameworks like Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, AWS-QLDB, Quorum.
. Good experience in Ethereum tools like Solidity, Web3.js, Ethers, Hardhat, wallets. DeFi enthusiast
. Hands on knowledge of MySQL, Google Cloud, DevOps tools like Git, Docker, airflow, Prometheus,
Grafana, ELK, Linux-Bash.
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