I will deliver a solution for your requirement in the areas of programming, databases (SQL /NoSQL) and design.
I am an applications software engineer proficient in the areas of design, development, testing and maintenance of software. I have over 15 years experience in software field with over 5 years in Java and database programming. Presently I am working and looking for freelancing assignments.
I am a certified developer (Java SE 5/7/8 programmer, Java SE 5 developer, Java EE certifications - Servlets/JSP, EJB, JPA and web services) and object-oriented design. I have experience in using JDBC, Swing, streams and have good conceptual understanding of object orientation. Other tools and libraries include server-side web programming using Servlets, JSP, JSF, and network programming using RMI.
I am also a MongoDB certfied associate developer.
I have developed a desktop tool ScriboNotes.com using Java Swing, JDBC and Apache Derby rdbms. The app connects to a web app and transfers data using a servlet. The web app is built using JSF and MySQL and is deployed on Apache Tomcat web server: http://webapp.scribonotes.com/homepage.xhtml
I have created the web site JavaQuizPlayer.com. This has Java quiz apps, a tech blog and examples.
In developing these applications and the two websites I am conversant with HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
# Database Programming
I have worked with Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Apache Derby, H2 and HSQLDB databases in design, development, maintenance, and data conversion projects.
I have had training with MongoDB Aggregation framework, data modeling, indexing/performance and programming with Java and JS.
# Domain Knowledge
I have worked with Financial Accounting applications, especially Receivables as a developer, support analyst and consultant roles.
Work Terms
I work 35 to 40 hours a week: Monday thru Friday.
I can work for fixed bid or hourly projects.
I will need clear requirements for working with an assignment or project.
I can communicate in better than average oral and written English via email, phone, messaging applications like Zoom, Skype, Slack, etc. -or- any other means as needed.