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  • Django
  • Django Rest Framework
  • Heroku
  • Django Development
  • Django Framework
  • PostgreSQL
  • Angelone Api
  • API Integrations
  • API Testing
  • Automation Engineering
  • Cron Jobs
  • Data Analysis
  • Postman Software
  • Python
  • Python 3

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  • Backend Development

    $20/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have 3 years of experience in Django framework, Creating API's, Django Rest framework, Automate task using celery Django, Python Scripting, Python-Django Backend, Heroku etc. Present:  I am working...

    Angelone ApiAPI IntegrationsAPI TestingAutomation EngineeringBackend Developer
  • Scripting and Automation

    $20/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    As we know finding right stock to trade is most difficult and time consuming task for us. So, to save time and get right stocks to trade in just a bit of time, I have created an automation system using...

    Algorithm DevelopmentAlgorithmsAnalyticsAngelone ApiAPI Development


Python Developer | Django-rest-framework | Web API's | Programmer |

I have 4+ years of experience in Django framework, Creating API's, Django Rest framework, Digital Ocean, Automate task using celery Django, Python Scripting, Python-Django Backend, Heroku etc.

I am working as a Software Developer at Appiness Interactive Pvt. Ltd., Working on multiple E-Commerce Backend.

Past Experience:
I worked on so many project here is a short summary of one of them. Algorithmic Trading Bot Project which indicates the positive entries of stocks developed using Django, Django Rest framework, Django Celery, javascript, deployed on digital ocean server(At present it is in Heroku Server).

I like working on challenging and innovative products.