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  • Article Writing
  • E-learning Development
  • English Language
  • German Translation
  • Language Translation
  • Writing


  • German Translator

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have done my graduation and post-graduation in English from Delhi University. I have worked as a Content/ Copy Writer for HT Media Streams Ltd. I am have completed till B2.1 German from Goethe Institute...

    Article WritingE-learning DevelopmentEnglish LanguageGerman TranslationLanguage Translation


Experienced content writer

As per my academic qualification, I am a Postgraduate in English from the reputed Kirori Mal College, Delhi University. Being a literature student, my research and analytical skills have enhanced while experimenting with advanced forms of writing in research papers. With my extensive knowledge and proficiency in both English and German language, I have gained prowess in communication and writing skills. I have worked as an intern during my academic years at Arcade Infotech Pvt. Ltd. where I improved my computer knowledge and writing skills. Later, I have worked as a Content Writer at HT Digital Streams limited. As their new employee, I single-handedly delivered five articles per thousand words in a day for which I was highly appreciated by the manager among the team. The professional experience allowed me to acquire time management skills and adaptability to work as a team player.

Work Terms

I prefer to work 3-4 hours per day or more as per the requirement of the work. I will communicate as per the client requirements but most probably in Formal English.
The payment should be based on the time that I dedicate to the company and the quality of content.