Summary :
- Ability to manipulate precise and intricate ideas with strong Mathematical and Statistical knowledge.
- Comprehensive understanding of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP.
- Proficient in working with projects based on classification, regression, sentimental analysis, time series data...
- Capable to build automated web apps and deploy real time projects using Flask framework.
- Skilled in automating data collection using web scraping with libraries like BeautifulSoup and Autoscraper.
- Data analysis | Data wrangling | Data modeling | Statistics | Data visualization | Programming | Quantitative
analysis | Machine learning | Machine learning models | Data mining | Debugging | Hypothesis testing | A/B
Links :
Work Summary :
- 1 year of experience in Python for building and optimizing models
- Proficient knowledge of Machine Learning Algorithms.
- Extensive knowledge of Data Analysis, Data Wrangling, Feature Engineering and data life cycle.
- Exposure in Python programming and Object Oriented Programming Concepts.
- Experience in developing Models Python.
- Experience in working with scikit-learn and Tensorflow.
- Good Knowlegde of Statistical Inferential Techniques.
- Excellent communication skills with ability to work independently as well as in a team.
Skils :
- Python Libraries and Frameworks : Pandas, Numpy, Tensorflow, Scikit learn, matplotlib, pyPDF2, BeautufulSoup, keras, NLTK, NLP
- Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics, Statistics.