Quality & Continuous Search for Excellence
We have enough experience by completing websites like www.rebornthegame.com, www.jmjfinancial.com, www.deathtennis.com, www.myzenergy.co.uk, www.shawsupply.com, www.nycwinereport.com, www.staceyleeagency.com, www.nobullies.net, www.fixremotely.com and few others. We can provide a completed website list and our satisfied clients for reference from US, UK and Australia. We believe that our work will speak about us and we don't hesitate to start relationship with a small assignment and then grow step by step.Right now we are taking projects in custom PHP (Mysql), .NET (MS SQL Server), Java, Ruby on Rails, FileMaker and Flash technology. Please contact us to know further about our technology standards and programming standards that we follow.Please don't hesitate to ask quality proposals which will explain feature and its implementation, solution architecture, examples and references, break-up costs, payment plan, and assumptions. We would also provide a clear list that what will be covere
Founded: 2010
Work Terms
Any fixed cost project work should begin with clear scope of work and upfront clarity can be achieved through discussion, PSD and supporting documents. Please don't award work to us until you get a clarity that what you will get at the project end, it can be in a form of PSD and annotations for each feature, a word document with explanation of implementation of feature, clear modules and deliverable and payment plan. We will always be ready to do the discussion and prepare Graphics and initial PSD or html design however we prefer to have PSD ready at beginning of discussion. Please don't start any project until you can give at least 5-10 hours in project discussion and design phase. Project fails in general due to ambiguity of feature needed and how it should be implemented.We also take work on monthly professional retainer basis. You have to put money in escrow at beginning of month and release at end of month.You have to put full project money in escrow and you have to release escrow
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