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  • Plain Language Writer
  • Employee Benefits Writer
  • Health Information Writer
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Content Writing
  • Design
  • Editing
  • English Grammar
  • Health
  • Health Insurance
  • Marketing
  • Materials
  • Newsletters
  • PDF Design
  • Proofreading

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  • Plain Language writer

    $100/hr Starting at $250 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Winner of 2014 ClearMark Award of Distinction for reducing 16-page consumer disclosure brochure to 6th grade reading level for easier reading and redesigning for more inviting look and feel. Judges comments:...

    Employee Benefits WriterHealth Information WriterPlain Language WriterTechnical Writer
  • Copywriter

    $100/hr Starting at $250 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Write and edit copy for marketing brochures, user manuals, newsletters, articles, website content and more.

    Employee Benefits WriterHealth Information WriterMarketingNewslettersPlain Language Writer
  • Web Content Writing

    $100/hr Starting at $250 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Write content for employee websites, workplace wellness portals, health information articles, health insurance plans and program descriptions and more.

    Content WritingHealthHealth InsuranceWeb Content WritingWriting
  • Editing Services

    $75/hr Starting at $150 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Provide quality review and developmental editing services for materials written by internal personnel. Uses plain language editing tools like Microsoft Word readability statistics. Makes headers, subheads...

  • Design services

    $85/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    We design materials only when we wrote the manuscript with design in mind. We use Adobe InDesign and will deliver a high-resolution camera-ready PDF to you for print and fulfillment. Or we can arrange...

    Adobe InDesignDesignMaterialsPDF Design
  • Proofreading Services

    $60/hr Starting at $60 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Post-design review for grammar and typos. Verify typed phone numbers and web URLs. Clean up for final publication.

    English GrammarProofreading


Your Corporate Communications Department in the virtual cubicle next door.

Before starting QubComm in May 2007, Jeanette Juryea was a Marketing Communications Manager at a Fortune 100 company. She left her job to begin her own writing business and has been doing that ever since. In 2011, the company grew and welcomed another full time writer, with several subcontractors just a email away to help with larger projects.

Award winning: QubComm's staff wrote and designed a 16-page consumer protection piece that won a 2014 ClearMark Award of Distinction in the Legal category.

Direct Mail success: Our 56-page employee benefits enrollment guide - written in direct mail style for a large client company - convinced nearly 15,000 retirees to try a high deductible health plan. That's a 43% conversion rate.

Experienced writers of: Marketing collateral; ebooks, annual reports, white papers; compliance writing; policy and procedure manuals; handbooks; form letter libraries; non-fiction books; flyers; posters; self-mailers; postcards; e-mail; blogs; website content; SEO articles; and more.

Founded: 2007

Meet the Team

Work Terms

Services include writing, quality editing, proofreading, design, project management, critical review and content consulting.

Send email to for estimate. Rates vary by service. Retainer of 50% may be requested for large projects. Payment/balance due within 30 days of delivery. For very large projects, we can bill monthly for work completed.