ROYGARD - Experienced IoT Makers Available for New Opportunities
Internet of Things | Wireless | BLE | NB-IoT | LTE | Cloud | LPWAN | LoRa | Sigfox | Connectivity | SW | HW | GW | ML | AI | Agile | Scrum | Embedded | PKI | Security | M2M | IoT | Industry 4.0 | Smart City | AZURE | AWS| Wearable | Automotive | CEM | MQTT | C++ | PHP | .NET | Backend | Fronted | UX | Android | iOS | Python | JS | CSS | SQL | ICT | Optical Networks | VoIP | IMS | Delivery Manager | Product Owner
Founded: 2011
Work Terms
We offer Agile development with Scrum methodology. To secure smooth progress of your projects our work is billed based on backlog progress and tasks execution.