Professional Embedded Engineer | Computer Vision Expert
I’m an Electronics Engineer who is highly educated and skilled in a plethora of different build and project types. I'm also a Computer Vision Engineer who loves building embedded products.
With more than 15 years of experience, I have knowledge and experience with all of the following, which I offer as services to all my clients:
• Circuit Schematic Design
• PCB Layout Design
• Matlab Coding
• Matlab Simulink Simulations
• FPGA Verilog/VHDL Coding
• C/C++, Java, and C# Coding
• Electronics Circuit Prototype Development and Testing
• Embedded System and Microcontroller Coding
• IoT
I am also an expert in these software tools and libs but not limited to:
• Altium Designer, Diptrace, EasyEDA, Kicad
• Circuit Maker, Matlab Simulink, Proteus
• Arduino IDE, ModusToolkit, Renesas E2 Studio, and OpenMV.
• OpenCV, Tensorflow, Scikit, Python
I have expertise in the following hardware platforms:
• Arduino UNO, Arduino MEGA, Arduino Portenta, Arduino MKR boards
• ESP8266, ESP32, Wio Terminal
• Infineon PSoC 4, and PSoC 6 prototyping kits
• Raspberry Pi 3B+, Raspberry Pi 4, Raspberry Pi Compute modules
• NVIDIA Jetson Nano, Xavier NX, Google Coral, Intel NCS
• and a lot more
I work 5 days a week and am available at all hours during those days. All my work is guaranteed to be on time AND on budget, and I am always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have during the completion of your product. Once you start working, I bet you'd always prefer my work for your upcoming projects.