Timely work with good English; creative content, matter submitted are well studied, Deliverable - Exceed Customer Expectations.
I am an engineer by qualification, having graduated from country's top Engg Institute. Worked in Manufacturing/ Engg industry for 22 yrs. rising to COO level. During the span of career, handled variety of workforce; engaged with World's top Automotive customers; and wrote several manuals, effective letters. The hidden talent of being able to write proper English, making the point felt, and impressing customers and authorities was noticed by customers and colleagues. That is how I decided to give a serious time to Freelance writing; and now I do it regularly. There are millions of writers around the world, and mostly from non- technical background or not even with a graduation degree. I consider myself standing out and my basic foundation education, and career had added value. I have made several legal documents, wherein the matter was liked by judges also. I am an expert on human relations, child psychology, religion, spirituality, Book reviews, transcripts, news analysis.
Once you try out my work, surely you will not look anywhere else. Subjects on which I have no knowledge will be politely declined. Being part of Japanese systems and procedures, I am punctual and to the point. My principle of work is two way communication. We must discuss what is the FINAL OBJECTIVE. Once it is clear what is the job required for, who is the reader base, what is the need of examples, events; then I will get on with the work.
Work Terms
The number of hours to be dedicated to a particular work depends on the subject, content, amount of words, and the research required to write it. Normally a one pager of A4 size takes one day. A transcript takes about a week. A matter of 5000 words takes 10 days. But timelines are adjustable as per client needs. That is what we learn with Japanese culture - work for the customer deadline.
Payment to be agreed before start of work. Would expect payment to be delivered within 3 days of submission of work. Defaults are not liked.
The mode of communication between us can be mail or skype call or a phone call from your side. Normally speaking clarifies things faster.
Whatever questions I ask at the start of job may please be answered; that helps producing a quality work. All matter from your side will be kept confidential. Similarly it is expected that my content is not copied, passed on to other clients, or used for any other purpose than what it is meant for.
In case during the course of work I find that that some more time may be required, I will inform you accordingly and agree on a new deadline. But such a situation is rare. I will let you know wherever I need some literature or research material from your side.