My Mission : To earn extra money and help family and needy people by doing home based job.
My Promise : To submit my project on time and error free.
I am Rajesh Dubey, 41 yrs old, from Nagpur City, Maharashtra state in India. Currently located in UAE for last 15 yrs. I had come to UAE in year 2004 and worked as a Head Cashier for a private hospital for 4 years. My 2nd job was as Accountant for a trading company for 3 years. My 3rd job was as Auditor for a group of companies. Unfortunately I lost my job in 2017 and I am still jobless.
About Me : I am very simple person. I like to help people. I feel very sad when people cheat me after getting help from me.
My hobbies : I like to watch comedy movies and comedy TV serials.
Work Terms
Right now I am unemployed and can give my 8 to 10 hrs daily. I agree with terms and condition about payment. I am ok for communication through my email address and my contact no 00971508659769.