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  • Accounts Receivable


  • Senior Customer Service Representative.

    $8/hr Starting at $200 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    A skilled customer service management professional seeking a new challenging career in a well-regarded company that will allow me to use my skills and past experiences in a way that it’s mutually beneficial...

    Accounts Receivable


Work Hard Play Harder :)

Hi you can call me Jiv. I have been with customer service industry nearly a decade now working with well known companies and different line of business. You can check my resume for some of the companies and accounts i worked with. I am well capable of learning and unlearning information for the sake of a campaign. With years of experience under my belt i have obtain a skill to interact with different type of people to acquire knowledge and multiple skills to accomplish any type of task. In my free time i spend 30% of my time in front of a computer surfing or tending to my games. I am a dad of three handsome boys and the main reason that i needed to work hard for.

Work Terms

I am available anytime, Considering to do Home base work full time.

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