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  • Android App Testing
  • App Development
  • Java
  • Software Development
  • Andriod App Design
  • Android App Design
  • Android App Marketing
  • Android Development
  • App & Mobile Programming
  • Banner Ad Design
  • CSS
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  • E Commerce
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  • Website development

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I can turn your ideas to life by designing high quality and professional responsive website designs, I can develop your bussiness website using Html,Css and make it dynamic with Javascript and DOM. I...

    Andriod App DesignAndroid App DesignAndroid App MarketingAndroid App TestingApp Development
  • Android App development

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I can develop Ecomerce native app specified for Android system using java . I will design beautiful screens. I use Firebase as a Realtime database. It contains 4 data access systems: - Visitor users -...

    Android App DesignAndroid App MarketingAndroid App TestingAndroid DevelopmentApp & Mobile Programming


I am a mobile developer with over 6 years of experience in developing mobile apps using native and Flutter technologies. In addition to my expertise in mobile development, I have also learned full-stack web development. As a mentor in Flutter, I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and helping others grow in their careers. With my strong technical skills and dedication to delivering high-quality work, I am confident in my ability to take on challenging projects and exceed expectations.