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  • Android
  • Application Development
  • C
  • C#
  • C++
  • Design
  • Java
  • Oracle
  • PHP
  • Qt
  • Service Design
  • Software Design
  • Windows


  • Programming

    $55/hr Starting at $3K

    If it flips a bit I can make it happen. I am best known as the guy that can do what others can’t. I make the impossible happen. Windows, Linux, or OS X desktop applications. Intranet or Internet...

    AndroidApplication DevelopmentCC#C++
  • Web Programming

    $55/hr Starting at $3K

    If it flips a bit I can make it happen. I am best known as the guy that can do what others can’t. I make the impossible happen. Windows, Linux, or OS X desktop applications. Intranet or Internet...

    AndroidApplication DevelopmentCC#C++
  • Database Design

    $55/hr Starting at $3K

    If it flips a bit I can make it happen. I am best known as the guy that can do what others can’t. I make the impossible happen. Windows, Linux, or OS X desktop applications. Intranet or Internet...

    AndroidApplication DevelopmentCC#C++
  • Smart Phone Applications

    $55/hr Starting at $3K

    If it flips a bit I can make it happen. I am best known as the guy that can do what others can’t. I make the impossible happen. Windows, Linux, or OS X desktop applications. Intranet or Internet...

    AndroidApplication DevelopmentCC#C++
  • Other - Technology Projects

    $55/hr Starting at $3K

    If it flips a bit I can make it happen. I am best known as the guy that can do what others can’t. I make the impossible happen. Windows, Linux, or OS X desktop applications. Intranet or Internet...

    AndroidApplication DevelopmentCC#C++

Ray Clayton
Ray Clayton
Madison, AL, USA