Freelance Health and Fitness Writer
So, you need a badass writer that helps you drive more sales and increase brand recognition? Well, today's your lucky day. Nice to e-meet you, I'm Regina King, the freelance writer you're looking for.
When people ask me why I'm the right fit for them I always answer something along these lines:
1. I’ve been writing for over three years and while I’m aware that years aren’t as relevant as quality, when you actually do the work, years —experience, to be more specific— matter.
2. I've spent years mastering my niches. I know people's pain points, the latest news in the industry, and how to use all that information to my advantage.
3. Keeping up with these industries has indeed deepened my knowledge. But, the reason why I'm so good at it, is because I deal with them on a daily basis.
Now, how can I help you?
Easy. I'm here to write for your audience. To reach their hearts and touch their souls —with my writing. Engaging, fun-to-read, and innovative are how my assignments turn out to be.