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  • Accounting
  • Financial Analysis
  • Financial Planning
  • Payroll
  • Profit and Loss Analysis


  • Assistente administrativo e contábil

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Eu gosto de atacar o problema em sua raiz, para que ele não volte e deixe cicatrizes no cliente. É por isso que eu gosto de ir além e antecipar situações futuras, desde que isso resulte em uma solução...

    AccountingFinancial AnalysisFinancial PlanningPayrollProfit and Loss Analysis


I'm not the kind of person who likes to show off a fancy resume or diploma, I like to show off my work!I like to attack the problem at its root, so that it doesn't come back and leave scars.

I am your administrative/accounting assistant, with 3 years of experience in accounting and treasury in the public sector, 7 years of experience as an administrative assistant, 5 years of experience in drafting official documents, and 6 years of experience in taxation.

I like to attack the problem at its root, so that it doesn't come back and leave scars on the client.
That's why I like to go the extra mile and anticipate future situations, as long as it results in an absolute solution for everyone at the table!
I'm not the kind of person who likes to show off a fancy resume or diploma, I like to show off my work! Trust me, I will always do my best!!!

Work Terms

Free to negotiate.