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$30/hr · Starting at $50 Ongoing
Dedicated Resource
We specialize in Open Source Software Development and Customization C/C++; Objective-C, Assembly; PHP; Perl; Python; Java; Pascal; Tcl/Tk; bash; HTML / CSS / XML / XML-RPC / SOAP / JS / AJAX
$25/hr · Starting at $25 Ongoing
HTML / CSS / XML / XML-RPC / SOAP / JS / AJAX + Content Management Systems: Django, Drupal, Wordpress, Moodle, Joomla, Plone
Objective-C, Java - IOS / Android UI / Core Design Push Notifications GPS / Location Services MIDI / Sound
Linux - Centos, RHEL, Slackware, SUSE, Ubuntu, ... else: MS Windows: XP / Vista / 7 / Server 2003 / Server 2008, Mac OSX
$30/hr · Starting at $30 Ongoing
+ Analysis and Alert: nagios, cacti + Tools: tcpdump, ntop, wireshark, nmap, dnswalk, snmpwalk + Interconnects: Ethernet, Infiniband.
$40/hr · Starting at $50 Ongoing
+ HPC / Cluster Managers: + Interconnects: + Benchmarks: + Build, Development and Fabric Verification: mpich, openmpi, intel mpi
Pascal Programmers
C Programmers
C++ Developers
Perl Developers
PHP Developers
Python Developers
Unix Programmers
Java Developers
Web Developers
Windows Server Experts
SQL Developers
Objective-C Developers
Network Design Consultants
XML Developers
CSS Developers
Database Designers
AIX Unix Developers
MySQL Developers
PostgreSQL Developers
HTML Developers
AJAX Developers
Software Developers