I started this field in five months, in another hand, I got learned a lot of things that will make me qualified for your task.
I'll tell you my journey to be digital marketing and SEO specialist and how I affected by that field in my life to understand how you can promote for yourself or your services before going deeply let me talk about my education and previous work and how that prepared me to a marketer. I joined business administration colleague, I studied marketing and I admired it, at the same time, I was working customers experience, so I taught a lot of things like, I can handle any kind of cases related to customers experience, on the other hand, keeping our reputation in the best way. then I learned SEO, I fancy with it and I can target your website to behave ranked on engines, at the same time, I can work with all platforms related to digital marketing to improve your income that's the whole story about digital marketing and SEO.