PhD Analytics Consultant and Researcher
Analytics consultant and researcher with a passion for data-driven decision-making using:
- descriptive analytics, such as business intelligence, data mining, problem structuring, system analysis, performance measurement, behavioral sciences, or nudging;
-predictive analytics, such as statistics, machine learning, data science, artificial intelligence, simulation, system dynamics, decision trees, forecasting, prediction, regression, and risk analysis;
- prescriptive analytics, such as optimization and planning, multicriteria analysis and evaluation, portfolio optimization and resource allocation, negotiation analysis, project management, game theory, scheduling, pricing, meta-heuristics, and constraint programming.
More than two hundred consultancy projects and works delivered to top-tier organizations worldwide, including Johnson&Johnson, European Commission, Syngenta, Novartis, BathCo, Portuguese State, GALP, Infraestruturas de Portugal, Águas de Portugal, EPAL, REN, IPE, EPUL, Metro de Lisboa, Metro do Porto, AMB3E, and several Central, Regional, and Local Governments.
Broad area of applications and industries, particularly procurement & purchasing, supply chain & logistics, sustainability & ecosystem services, energy, health, defense, and government.
Sound knowledge and experience using a wide range of analytical tools, including programming (C++, Python, FORTRAN, VB, VBA), web (HTML, JavaScript, Node.js, ASP, PHP), databases (MongoDB, SQL Server, Access, MySQL, QGIS), optimization (OpenSolver, AIMMS, GAMS, CPLEX, IBM OPL, SolverStudio, MiniZinc), statistics and data science (R, WEKA, Azure, SAS, SPSS), multicriteria evaluation (M-MACBETH, Hiview, VISA, Equity), and simulation (Anylogic, InsightMaker, Vensim, STELLA, Risk).
Several publications in high-impact scientific journals and international conferences.
Specialties: Analytics, Operations Research, Decision theory, Data Science, Multicriteria Analysis, Procurement & Auctions, Forest Management