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  • Administrative Assistant
  • Analytics
  • CakePHP
  • Campaign Planning
  • Director
  • Full Stack Development
  • Humanities
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Pay Per Click
  • PHP
  • Plugins
  • Process Design
  • SEO
  • Software Development

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  • Fullstack developer,PHP/CMS,Analytics

    $14/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Having worked in the industry for 18 years i have had the privilege to work on some exceptional challenging projects, with varying clientele. Having my main strength and experience in PHP (Codeignotor,...

    Administrative AssistantAnalyticsCakePHPCampaign PlanningDirector


Experienced, honest, advisory.

Having worked around the industry for multiple years i have had the privilege to work on some exceptional challenging projects, with varying clientele.

Having my main strength and experience in PHP (Codeignotor, Lavaral, Cake, core) and all of its attributes, this also affords me the ability to act as a CMS developer. Custom themes, widgets, plugins, i have always designed and developed with 2 thoughts in mind: on the user side offer as much ease and direction as possible to the intended goal / conversion. And secondly for admin to automate and organise as many processes as possible so as to speed up work, minimise human workload, increase ROI and ultimately improve the user and admin experience.

Working closely with a top development and marketing agency that has been trading since 2008 has taught me some great aspects of a whole project from the support and legislation needed for a start up, to analytics, tag manager and highly targeted SEO and PPC campaigns that increase targeted reach while reducing CPC, bounce etc.

Work Terms

Working remotely allows for various timescales and options. I often work via development platforms to allow my clients to keep up to date and interact with the projects.

I consult long term with a full service development and marketing company in the UK, so when an opportune project arrives i have the ability to offer the full support of a 30 strong team to engage and add scalablity to a client.