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  • API
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Django
  • Engineering
  • Java
  • JSON
  • Linux
  • Programming
  • Python
  • Software Development
  • Version Control
  • XML


  • Software Engineer - Python Developer

    $15/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Software Engineer, working mainly with Python/Django/AWS, but I also have a past experience with Java/Spring and PHP/Laravel. My strongest point at the moment is Python, but if your requirements require...

    APIArtificial IntelligenceDjangoEngineeringJava


Eager to work on your interesting projects.

I'm a passionate Software Engineer and I've been in love with Computer Science since 7th grade (around 2010). Now I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence.

Although I'm agnostic when it comes to programming languages (as you can notice from my experience, jumping from Java to PHP, back to Java and now Python), I would like to specialize in Python and put my whole energy in it. Most probably this is my strongest point, but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to work with any other programming language, especially if it's an interesting one.

Also, I'm open to solve all kinds of other problems from different spheres like DevOps/FrontEnd/AI. I have an AWS Cloud Practitioner certificate and hands-on experience, definitely, I'm looking forward to increasing it. I've played around a lot of times with Docker, no Kubernetes experience at all, but I would like to get my hands dirty with it too. I'm interested in getting a better knowledge of FrontEnd too, preferably React or Vue.js. And finally, it would be nice for me to practice more AI stuff, especially things related to computer vision (that's what convinced me to follow that master in the first place).

Hope we will have a nice collaboration :)