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  • Copywriting

    $20/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

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    I can write on any subject in a concise and professional manner. I have excellent research skills. My spelling is excellent, and my punctuation follows the Chicago Manual of Style. I can also use other...

    Article WritingBloggingBook ReviewsEditingExcel
  • Articles & Press Releases

    $20/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

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    I can write on any subject in a concise and professional manner. I have excellent research skills. My spelling is excellent, and my punctuation follows the Chicago Manual of Style. I can also use other...

    Article WritingBloggingBook ReviewsEditingExcel
  • Resumes & Cover Letters

    $20/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

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    I can write on any subject in a concise and professional manner. I have excellent research skills. My spelling is excellent, and my punctuation follows the Chicago Manual of Style. I can also use other...

    Article WritingBloggingBook ReviewsEditingExcel
  • Web Content

    $20/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

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    I can write on any subject in a concise and professional manner. I have excellent research skills. My spelling is excellent, and my punctuation follows the Chicago Manual of Style. I can also use other...

    Article WritingBloggingBook ReviewsEditingExcel
  • Ghost Writing & Books

    $20/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

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    I can write on any subject in a concise and professional manner. I have excellent research skills. My spelling is excellent, and my punctuation follows the Chicago Manual of Style. I can also use other...

    Article WritingBloggingBook ReviewsEditingExcel
  • Editing

    $20/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Robert has edited manuscripts and web content. He co-edited proprietary manuals for PacBell while working as a Communications Technician. Robert edited the book Jihad Genocide for Ted Habib the author...

    Article WritingBook WritingCelebrity ManagementCommunication SkillsContent Writing

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I also turn down work because of my stand on honesty, integrity, and quality. Authenticity and originality are my primary goals in everything I do. To do less is to diminish me as a person.

Robert Medak is a retired Communications Technician turned freelance writer, blogger, editor, proofreader, and reviewer learning marketing.

Robert is a small business owner of Robert Medak Freelance Writer. He works as a freelancer and entrepreneur working from a start-up learning along the way about marketing, social and networking, creating Web sites, and web content.

Robert has written or ghostwritten over 350 articles, he is familiar with writing Web content and written over 100 book reviews posted at Barnes and Noble, Powell’s Books, Goodreads, and his book review blog.

He is a writer, blogger, editor, and reviewer who is learning marketing and book promotion.

Robert continues learning about publishing, and branding. He applies what he learns to help others and is willing to answer questions. He believes in paying it forward, ethics, and being 100 percent original in all he does.

Work Terms

Robert works Monday through Friday from 11 am to 7 pm. He spends the weekends with his wife and animals to recharge his energy and unplug from social media.

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