$20/hr · Starting at $100 Ongoing
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مرحبًا ، أنا جيد في جمع البيانات وتحليلها وتخزينها بعدة طرق ، والتأكد من دقة البيانات ، واكتشاف الأخطاء وتصحيحها ، وتنظيم قواعد البيانات ، وإصلاح الأعطال ، واستخراج النتائج والرسوم البيانية الإحصائية...
Hello, I am good at collecting, analyzing and storing data in several ways, making sure of data accuracy, detecting errors and correcting them, organizing databases, fixing faults, extracting results and statistical graphs, giving the best solutions, and directing the data owner to the best path to the success of his work. I also have experience in accounting and digital marketing I will always be helping everyone who needs help. Just rest assured and don't worryhow can I help you !
Analytics Experts
Data Analysts
Data Managers