Technology Evangelist
Ron is a Seasoned Contracts Manager, Software Engineer and Forensic Auditor, having worked in the Helpline Whistleblower Channel, leading several investigations with experience in the US, Europe and Brazilian subsidiaries, having a depth knowledge in the regulatory compliance policies, data privacy regulations and forensic eDiscovery tools. He also negotiated multi-million business jets contracts with global customers. Ron led, Apttus and Xactly implementation in the business jets unit of a major OEM, being responsible to design, develop and deploy worldwide sales, marketing, contracts and commissions calculation processes. He also worked as a technology advisor to the other business units. Currently holds a BA in System Analysis and a Master in Business Administration, being certified by IACCM, Xactly, and nominated Most Valuable Player by Apttus Corporation in 2014, being invited to participate and speak at Salesforce Dreamforce conferences in San Francisco in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.