I work with small businesses, start-ups, and nonprofits. My work is primarily with businesses looking to expand their brick-and-mortar and develop an online storefront that integrates with their retail business. I also work with clients in developing and designing informational sites, such as restaurants, consulting and legal services, and a variety of nonprofit organizations. I specialize in the design and development of Shopify and Squarespace websites.
My focus is on delivering beautifully designed and engaging websites while providing an exceptional client service experience. Over a 20-year career working with some of the world’s largest brands (Harley-Davidson, Target, McDonald’s), I’ve developed a broad range of skills and resources to bring my clients the best in website design and e-Commerce solutions.
In addition to delivering beautiful and engaging designs, I’m obsessed with delivering an exceptional client experience.
Founded: 2010
Meet the Team
Remig Raffanti