Looking for new opportunity on GURU
I'm a Competitive, Reliable & Experienced developer, offering freelance services with ENOVIA V6 customization, Alfresco customization, web-services and web application development using JAVA/J2EE. I like to explore new technologies, products and ideas. I guarantee a well documented code, cleanly written and delivered in time..
Primary Skills:
Programming Languages - Java, C# (ASP.NET MVC), Javascript, SQL
J2EE Technologies - Hibernate, Spring, JSP, Servlet
Web Technologies/Framework - HTML, XHTML, Ajax, jQuery, Twitter-Bootstrap CSS, XML, CSS, YUI, Dojo (beginner)
Database - MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSql
Build Tools - Ant, Apache Maven, Gradle
ECM/WCM Tool - Alfresco community 4.2.c and 5.0.d customization
PLM Tool - ARAS Innovator (PLM Tool by Microsoft)
Application Server - Apache Tomcat
Code Management - SVN, Git
IDE/Tools - Eclipse, NetBeans, Putty, SQL Developer, Tortoise SVN, Visual Studio
Platforms - Windows, Linux less