Irrigation design
I design and install irrigation systems since 2006. Over my shoulders, more than 200 projects and more than 50 instalation. The smallest project is 45 square meters, the largest is 101 hectares. I like my work. When choosing to make a project quickly or make a project beautiful, choose the second one.
Work Terms
dizayn vypolnyayetsya v zavisimosti ot razmerov uchastka ot 1 do 14 dney. Proyety vypolnyayu kak v metricheskoy tak i v imperskoy sisteme izmereniy. Mogu predostavit' chertezhi na lyubom yazyke. Tsena na proyektirovaniye ot 50 dollarov i vyshe. YA predostavlyayu iskhodnyye fayly v formate dvg i khls. V proyekt vkhodyat sleduyushchiye chertezhi i fayly: obshchiy, truboprovoda, elektroprovoda, rasstanovki orositeley i skhema sborki, obshchiye dannyye i list oborudovaniya, gidravlicheskiye rasschety.
Design is performed depending on the size of the site from 1 to 14 days. I carry out the projections both in the metric and in the imperial measurement system. I can provide drawings in any language. The price for designing is from 50 dollars and above. I provide the source files in dwg and xls format. The project includes the following drawings and files: general, pipeline, electrical lines, sprinkler arrangements and assembly scheme, general data and equipment sheet, hydraulic calculations.
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