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  • .NET
  • Ajax
  • Android
  • API
  • App Development
  • C#
  • CSS3
  • Database Driven Web Applications
  • Ecommerce
  • iOS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Microsoft SQL Server

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  • S4B Technologies

    $10/hr Starting at $200 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    S4B Technologies is about using technology to create business advantage. We focus on serious business oriented applications (web & mobile) and our company is an offshore software development team located...

    .NETAjaxAndroidAPIApp Development


We prefer clients that have the potential to feed us a continuous flow of work and give our best to every project once we make a commitment.

We are surely cost effective due to offshore Pakistani advantage but our bid is unlikely to be the lowest.

S4B Technologies is about using technology to create business advantage. We focus on serious business oriented applications (web & mobile) and our company is an offshore software development team located in Karachi, Pakistan.

We prefer clients that have the potential to feed us a continuous flow of work and give our best to every project once we make a commitment.

Our proposals / responses are always custom written after a proper analysis and are never generic / template based. We will build you a quick prototype along with our document proposal and all our payments are linked to agreed deliverables.

The main focus is on building custom web and mobile applications in areas of e-commerce, content management, workflow processes, inventory control, order processing, lead generation, logistics and supply chain integration. The team skills include .net, Android, iOS and artistic design capabilities. Pursuit of excellence and repeated customer satisfaction are the primary drivers of our business approach.

Our focus is on windows applications, ASP.Net 4.0+ WEBFORMS & MVC / MS SQL Server, MYSQL 5, iPhone and Android 4+. In the open source arena,, we have significant experience with Word Press, Open Cart and Yii framework

We use scrum methodology and our projects happen as a series of 2-3 weeks long sprints that build on top of each other - like building the structure module by module. We charge a fixed price for each well defined sprint of work and this price is agreed with the client before the work is approved. We give a budgetary range / capping budget upfront for better predictability.

Work Terms

We are about using technology to create business advantage. S4B Technologies is an offshore software development firm located in Karachi, Pakistan. Our proposals / responses are always custom written after a proper analysis and are never generic / template based.

We typically build a quick prototype along with our document proposal and all our payments are based on agreed deliverables. We have absolute confidence in our work quality based on a decade of experience and build relationships through the spirit of trust. S4B Technologies charges USD 10 per hour for .Net / iOS / Android programmers. This includes the effort required for quality assurance, solution architecture design and client coordination. All our work is based on scrum methodology and done as a series of well defined sprints. There is a payment at the end of each sprint.We can work either from a well defined project specification or we can build a specification through a series of discussions on phone / SKYPE. We can sign the confidentiality agreement as needed.

We use scrum methodology and our projects happen as a series of 2-3 weeks long sprints that build on top of each other - like building the structure module by module. We always charge a fixed price for each well defined sprint of work and this price is agreed with the client before the work is approved. We give a budgetary range / capping budget upfront.