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  • Creative, Content, & Blog Writer

    $7/hr Starting at $35 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am willing to do something that still related about writing (e.g article writing, blog writing, ghostwriting, CV design, Translate document etc). I also very open to all the opportunities that exist,...

    Article WritingBlog WritingCanvaContent WritingCreative Writing


Willing to work in all parts about writing.

‘The real price of everything is the effort and difficulty to obtaining it” said The Father of Economics, Adam Smith. Since I was a child, I have believed that opportunities do not just present themselves, they must be pursued with bold steps and toughness. My name is Saffa Amelia Dinara, I am a social class student from a public high school in Jakarta, Indonesia. More precisely 46 Senior High School, Jakarta.

as a student i really like explore new things. I am an energetic and passionate student who love learn new things. Have a humble and ambitious personality who can easily make friends with others.

I have a great interest in economics, business and writing as my hobby. Based on my passion and interest in economics, business, and writing. I often participate in essay competitions and seminars on economic matters, such as business, online business and taxes. My participation to some essays competitions and attend some seminars help me to think more broadly, help me to solve problems, improve my responsibility, and also improve my creativity.

Some of my essay that I wrote were entitled "Digital Business Development in Pandemic Era" and "Utilizing Social Media Opportunities by Turning It into a Business Field". For the “Digital Business Development in Pandemic Era” i became the Top 5 Winners Business Paper Competition held by Kwik Kian Gie Business School. My writing hobby, I also channel it to volunteer in several online organizations, I usually work in the content writer section.

I active participate on some volunteer activities, one of the volunteer activities I participate in is 'New College Student and Indonesian Student Festival’. I took on the role of ambassador of this volunteer activity, the ambassadors played a very important role in raising awareness and inviting Indonesian new college students and high school students to attend and feel the benefits of this events.

More About me, kindly check on my LinkedIn

Work Terms

I like flexible working hours. For the rest of work terms I am very open to discuss.