PHP, LAMP Engineer with Laravel Expertise & intermediate knowledge of CI & CakePhp
- PHP/MySql
- Laravel Framework 4.x, 5.x
- Codeigniter Framework 2.x
- cakePHP Framework 1.9.x
- Magento 1.9.x (Site Setup, Social Login Integration, Paypal & FedEx integration)
- HTML,Bootstrap,Javascript, Jquery, Jquery-Ajax
- Payment Gateways: Paypal, Braintree, CitrusPay, Stripe, PayPal Express Checkout
- Web Server: Apache, Nginx, OpenLiteSpeed
- Analytics Tool: MixPanel, Google Analytics
- Web Hosting Management Tools : AWS, cPanel, zPanel
- Version Control Tool: GIT, SVN
- Project Tracking Tool: JIRA, Basecamp, Trello
- Social Login: FaceBook, Twitter, GitHub, Google, XING
- Domains worked on: Telecom, Job, Fashion, Dating, Social, LMS, Sport, Agriculture
- Laravel Packages Worked On: imagemagick, IDE Helper, TCPDF, cviebrock/eloquent-sluggable, socialiteproviders/xing, gabrielbull/browser, jordij/sweet-captcha, intervention/image, intervention/imagecache,box/spout, PHPExcel, Rollbar