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Humane Defined!

Avyaja Foundation is a national, not-for-profit organization assisting one to lead a normal life. Avyaja enables public spirited organizations and individuals in providing solutions for today’s emerging social and mobility needs due to changing social structures and way of life.
Avyaja's philosophy is One for all & All for One, this interconnectedness in society makes it more emotionally & socially strong. Leading to mutual respect between & within different
strata of society, ultimately leading towards a stronger morally, socially, physically empowered positive and inclusive community. This contributes towards a stronger society.

Mutual respect, Gratitude, Compassion, Honour, Candor & Integrity are uncompromising core values of Avyaja.
Avyaja team is dedicated to assist the vulnerable segment of society and assist each citizen to lead a balanced and dignified life.

Working on solutions of Societical impact through services addressing basic needs for "Destitute" who are the Silent Suffers of Society.

The vulnerability in the society are due to an increased incidence of neglect, violence, stress, illness and disability, economic dependency upon their spouses, children and other younger family members, changes in the family structure and characteristics, changing role of women within families and migration resulting from globalisation. Avyaja aims to cater to fill this void.

Avyaja Foundation primarily focuses to deliver point-to-point Assist services for the Senior Citizens of the society.

Avyaja Foundation is not an emergency service provider. However, Avyaja would be working with many specialized service organizations to assist identified cohort and helping to live a better and dignified life.

Founded: 2020