Python-Django Architect
Substantial experience in the Web Application spanning eight years of service both in IT and Network architecture roles including design and strategy disciplines. Key strengths are driving collaborative approaches with the business, product, and network units. A self-starter, with strong interpersonal communications, a team approach, and the strong ability to guide and influence others through difficult problem solving techniques while providing IT architecture solutions and strategies to meet the business needs and their affordability.
*Linux, PHP/Python, nginx, memcached, MySQL/MongoDB, Node.js.
HTML(5), CSS, JS (jQuery, backbone, express).
*2006-2010: Typical LAMP stack with Fedora/Debian, Apache, PHP, MySQL. Hosted on shared/virtual/dedicated.
*2010-current: Shifted to AWS, now using SoftLayer Cloud (sponsored for Boxure). Also shifted to Ubuntu on the Cloud and desktop.
2013: Using Python/PHP for app server with Celery. Node.js for web serving. Backbone, Handlebars for client app.
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