I was born to write!
Hi, I am Saima Masood, a passionate writer, blogger, marketer and a learner. I love playing with words as they are my favorite thing. Often I feel I was born to write. YES! words come naturally to me. I have a natural flair for writing coupled with my deep observation of content marketing makes me a fine writer! I can turn any boring topic into an engaging one, and can make a dry topic into a conversational blog post. I also sprinkle humor where I deem necessary to keep things interesting. I can stir emotions, tell an interesting story, and can help you SELL your idea!
You can checkout some of my samples here : https://theohsostudio.com
Work Terms
I am an easy going person. I like communicating using easy to understand simple language and discussing all the requirements upfront, no hidden agenda, everything crystal clear. I like working for 3 to 4 hours every day, but like I said evey thing is NEGOTIABLE!