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  • Chemistry
  • Content Writing
  • Educational Instruction
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Tutoring


  • Online Tutor (Chemistry)

    $8/hr Starting at $32 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Online Educator with more than two year of experience in the educational field. Involved in online educating , solving doubts of learner's , making good content . My main goal...

    ChemistryContent WritingEducational InstructionSearch Engine OptimizationTutoring


Online Tutor and Subject Matter Expert (Chemistry)

I'm subject matter expert at Chegg (World's largest Education platform)..
I have done masters in chemistry as I teach chemistry from about more than 3 years...
I teach live on Unacademy (India's largest education platform)...
Also I teach live on Vedantu (India's leading Education platform)
I have been mentored about millions of students from worldwide..
I have more than three year of work experience in teaching chemistry Specially- Organic Chemistry

Work Terms

I work hourly as well as long term depends on your project and charges 8$ per hour for an employer and I also solve doubts 2 $ per questions. I communicate with my client with English only