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  • .NET
  • ASP
  • Consulting
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Amazon
  • cnm
  • Database Design
  • Database Management
  • Design
  • ERP
  • Flash
  • HTTP
  • Intranet
  • ISO 9001

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  • Database Administration

    $10/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    - A fast growing IT company.- Partners with IBM, Oracle , Amazon , CloudEra- Total experience exceeds 1500 man-years.- Customers in more than 15 countries, worldwide.- Clients include Fortune 500 list...

  • Database Design

    $10/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    - A fast growing IT company.- Partners with IBM, Oracle , Amazon , CloudEra- Total experience exceeds 1500 man-years.- Customers in more than 15 countries, worldwide.- Clients include Fortune 500 list...

  • Programming

    $10/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    - A fast growing IT company.- Partners with IBM, Oracle , Amazon , CloudEra- Total experience exceeds 1500 man-years.- Customers in more than 15 countries, worldwide.- Clients include Fortune 500 list...

  • Testing & QA

    $10/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    - A fast growing IT company.- Partners with IBM, Oracle , Amazon , CloudEra- Total experience exceeds 1500 man-years.- Customers in more than 15 countries, worldwide.- Clients include Fortune 500 list...

  • Web Programming

    $10/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    - A fast growing IT company.- Partners with IBM, Oracle , Amazon , CloudEra- Total experience exceeds 1500 man-years.- Customers in more than 15 countries, worldwide.- Clients include Fortune 500 list...

  • Field Sales

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    McLanSys has been into call center operations for 7 years catering the US and UK market. We always ensure the quality is maintained through regular interactions with the client and top priority is given...

    .NETAppointment SettingASPCConsulting

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