I have read your requirements and I’m pretty confident that I will be able to get your work done within the given time your requirements conclude.
I would like to apply as a data entry specialist in your job post. It says that you are looking for someone who knows Microsoft Word and Excel and also who is a detail-oriented person. I think that I am the right person for the job.
I know scrapping vba-excel and DOM(document object model also).
-I know all Wordpress, Html, Css, Javascript, AJax,Jquery, data entry and web research work as well.
My four years in college plus my work experience as shown in my profile have helped me develope mastery in Word and Excel. As proof, I got high marks in received positive feedback from my previous employers regarding Word- and Excel-related projects.
As a data entry specialist, I also am detail-oriented. Rest assured all the data will be accurately entered, no more, no less.
I am available online 12 hours a day. I’m an Expert, Honest, Sincere and Responsible worker as I’m taking my work like my Responsibility.
I have also a few clarifying questions on the project:
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