We develop applications and websites that ignite your business
2015—2016: Data analyst/Developer, Clickyab (Ads network, Tehran, Iran),
Design and implementation of software to use targeting advertisement by finding websites viewers' interests, gender, …
Research area:
Statistical data analyzing
Javascript (NodeJS), Database (mongoDB and neo4j as NOSQL, MYSQL as SQL)
2015—2015: Data analyst, Developer, Web developer, RMInnovation, Louisville, USA,
Design and implemention RESTfull API by using mongoDB, NodeJS
Design and implementation of web application and website by using extjs
Research area:
Software and database analyzing/architecture
Javascript (NodeJS, ExtJS) and NOSQL (mongoDB)
2013—2015: Data analyst, Database designer, Web developer, SENA, Tehran, Iran,
Design and implement CRM(Customers Relation Management Software) by using PHP, MYSQL and Javascript/Typescript
Develop Pomegranate framework (Custom web framework based on Javascript/Typescript, PHP, MYSQL)
Develop VOIP software and analyzing call-centers data
Research area:
Software and data analysis, architecture and developer
Javascript (Native, ExtJS)/Typescript, SQL (MYSQL) and PHP
2011-2013: Software developer, VRLAB (Virtual Reality Laboratory. K.N.Toosi University Of Technology, Tehran, Iran,
Implementation of driving simulator to educate public transportation drivers
Design and implementation of Artificial Intelligence
Research area:
Software analyzing, implementing and improving software order, multi-threading and I/O management