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  • Article Writing
  • Bilingual
  • Content Marketing
  • Content Writing
  • English Language
  • Interviewing
  • Marketing
  • Presentation Design
  • Script Writing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Optimization Copywriting
  • Social Media Copywriting
  • Writing


  • SEO Content Writing

    $10/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    With a passion for writing, 5 years of experience in content marketing & hands-on experience in SEO, I have gained a lot of skills in communicating with different audiences in the simplest ways. I've...

    Article WritingBilingualContent MarketingContent WritingEnglish Language


Digital Editor & SEO and Content Writer

For ages, there was always this Catholic marriage between Marketing and Technology, where they have been used together as competitive weapons to restructure other industries.

For me, I was always interested in Marketing and the belated online marketing since I was in high school.

I plan myself to be a key witness of this Catholic marriage. That is why I see myself in a constant "Beta" phase; always under development and never settling for the current version of myself. This is shown in every aspect of my work.

I've started my content writing career 5 years ago. Ever since, I've worked full time and on freelance projects for reputable companies like: "Propertyfinder Group", "Noon", "Fast Forward", "PayMe App", "", ... etc.

My experience expands across different industries (e.g. Real Estate, E-commerce, Education, Business Finance, Entertainment, ...) targeting different audiences across the Middle East with varying writing styles in English & Arabic languages.

My passion for what I do has helped me find ways to excel in various work environments that expand across different industries and target diverse audiences across the Middle East.