UI/UX, 3D Characters and home interior design, Wordpress CMS website, Prototype Web / Mobile, html5, Css3, Bootsrap, Forms, Fireworks, branding.
I'm Graphics and User interface designer. Now I will accept tasks about UI/UX, 3D Characters and home interior design, Wordpress CMS website. I think I'm best at User interfaces, User experience design and IOS app design. I prefer long-term tasks, full time. I have more than 11 years of experience in a design - I have worked with many global brands such Saats, National park Singapore, Indian Government IT sector and others.
What I can do?
1. UX / UI Design , Wordpress CMS
2. 3D home interior design
3. Prototype Web / Mobile
I prefer long-term tasks, full time.
Usually as UI designer or Graphics Designer. For crafting/ mock-up user interfaces. I use Adobe Fireworks or Affinity. (if necessary, use Photoshop)
My goal is to provide high quality services: UI Design, UX Design, Bootstrap forms, 3D, Web/Mobile Application. Also I can be helpful in IOS app design, web design, mobile design, prototypes.
Hobbies : Instagram, playing with pets.
Work Terms
Communication skype id
1. well-written proposal that outlines exactly what i am going to do (and not do) for any given project.
2. Contracts: create a binding agreement on how much payment for a project and the terms of how i will work on that project.