MERN Stack Developer
Get your idea from scratch turned into a full-fledged platform, I'm able to optimize complex integrations to require little-to-no maintenance while running on their own for years.
What i am offering:
- Full stack development ( HTML, CSS, React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB)
- Authentication & Security(Auth0, md5.js, Hashting, Salting)
- Real-time applications(
- API development(Node.js, Express.js)
- Front-end development(HTML, CSS, React.js)
- Back-end development(Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB)
- Databse skills(MongoDB, Mongoose)
- Other development skills(XML, JSON, jQuery)
Hello, my name is Sarthak, and thanks for visiting my profile! Having worked on various projects (personal and professional) over a couple of years, I have successfully handled both short and longer-term projects. My schedule is very flexible, as I often work not only during daytime hours but early morning and late evening as well.
My strengths:
- Organized
- Collaborative
- Resourceful
- Hard worker
- Self-Motivated
I would be glad to help your project succeed!