An innovation and IP thought leader with proven ability to deliver transformational growth by seeding new thoughts, delivering reality shattering insights and provoking new approaches.
I am an Electrical Engineer by qualification - have a Bachelor and Master degree in Electrical Engineering. Backed by knowledge and experience as an engineer and researcher, I entered the world of Intellectual Property with General Electric (Global Research) and Philips Electronics to evaluate, prepare, prosecute and secure new patents for the medical / healthcare business, in the US and European formats.
My stint with Bombardier Transportation (BT) allowed me to shift from preparing IP to managing IP. At BT, I was able to successfully grow the IP portfolio consecutively for 6 years. In parallel, I immersed into the world of 'Innovation' leading to the creation of an innovation program for the Systems Division of BT (at first) and played a highly active lead role in the creation of an innovation framework across BT, worldwide.
Deloitte Consulting provided me the initial opportunity in the Consulting world, leveraging innovation to define, create, and justify the pursuit of new opportunities for ORGANIC growth.
With Erehwon Innovation Consulting, I dived deeper into the philosophies of innovation and discovered the magic of the 'what, why, when and how' of creating breakthrough transformations for a variety of industries across Automotive, Personal Care, Health & Nutrition, Media & Entertainment, Public Governance and Non-Profit Organizations using the methodology of ORBIT SHIFTING INNOVATION.
I returned back to the rail transportation industry - at Wabtec Corporation (contract position via StarsHR, Inc.) in my role as Manager, Innovation with StarsHR (contract with Wabtec Corporation) with a vision to leverage and apply the experiences of research, innovation and intellectual property management to help create and sustain positive transformation and growth in an organic manner!
Recently, I made the switch from transportation to healthcare but a completely new segment of healthcare - autonomous pharmacy - helping Omnicell's Advanced Technology & Research teams a
Work Terms
Hourly: $175
Minimum: 1.5 hours