Searching endlessly for those few extra words, that'll help me set you apart.
A Globetrotter by profession and an engineer by choice, my professional career till this very day has been a mixture of hands on technical experience with an extra bonus of interaction with people from various countries, communities and aspects of human society. The prime focus of my actions and the pivot of my interest has always been to create a perfect blend of literature backed by a sound and established background of theoretical evidence in order to create user interest into the subject concerned. Having worked under the authority of various foreign nationals and led teams myself, I've always been of due belief that language is the most primitive tool that enables humans to communicate and shall be treated as nothing more or nothing less. While my schooling and graduation degrees fall back to wonderful convent and Jain groups who not only inculcated a rich vein of moral education but also cultural diversity, the idea of representing thoughts and emotions on a piece of A-4 paper has always lured me into exercising my never ending interest and hobby!
Work Terms
Willing to dedicate as much of physical effort and mental endurance needed for the completion of task in hand, with flexible working hours and prompt response to individual and group queries and tasks.
Monetary remunerations expected as per the prevailing market trends, completely through online and bank transactions.
Available on my official email and number throughout the standard working hours for any professional queries.