I do complete consulting services for software development including hardware integration, tablet and phone development, system development and automation and large scale integration project
My Consulting includes: Hardware integration (embedded systems); Tablet/Phone development (Android and iOS); System development and automation; Web development (servers, backend, database); Large scale integration projects and more. My expertise as a software architect is ideal for projects that cross disciplines, architectures/platforms, programming languages and more.
Scott Penrose is a perl hacker with an interest in home automation. He has been playing with electronics since he has been old enough to burn his fingers with a soldering iron. His first job was working with 6800 embedded CPUs in the early 90s. During the development of his solar powered house in 2000 he knew that the only way to be safe and not damage the batteries would be to fully automate the power and lighting throughout his home. Scott has continued hardware hacking on a causal basis, building musical toys, helping with the design and building of a sophisticated glide computer and design and embedded coding for buoys to measure waves in ice in the Antarctic. Although his day job involves programming complicated CPUs, mostly under Linux, he has retained a passion of for simplicity and feels that the Arduino meets those requirements.
Work Terms
I am able to quote for work, or quote a rate for your job, otherwise refer to the following:
Consulting - $150/hr
All prices are quoted in Australian dollars and do not include GST. My work is done through my company Rainbow House Development and incur GST.
Standby Time
More often lately I have been asked to be on stand by. Obviously this is not free, since I would have to turn down other work. But there is a discount.
Week days
1 to 4 hours work - minimum charge 1 hour
4 to 8 hours work - minimum charge 3 hours
1 to 4 hours work - minimum charge 2 hours
4 to 8 hours work - minimum charge 5 hours