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  • Curriculum Design
  • Coaching
  • Concurrent Programming
  • Curriculum Assessment
  • Curriculum Development
  • Curriculum Innovation
  • Curriculum Mapping
  • Design
  • International
  • Leadership
  • Surveys
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  • Program & Curriculum Design

    $100/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    As former head of department at an international school I have led, envisioned and designed novel, innovative curriculum and programs for entrepreneurship, leadership, wellness, student leadership, coaching,...

    CoachingConcurrent ProgrammingCurriculum AssessmentCurriculum DesignCurriculum Development


to leverage my unique mix of experiences to drive win-win relationships that empower a life of purpose, passion, and presence for as many as possible

Mr. Olagunju is a graduate of the Kenan-Flagler School of Business at UNC-Chapel Hill, the Leadership Development Program for BB&T , and the Impact Movement Fellowship at Campus Crusade for Christ International. This along with his experience as manager and mentor with the Institute for Responsible Citizenship, has shaped a life-long pursuit of values-focused, sustainable leadership.

He is adept and skilled in his role as a pioneer in the field of leadership development for youth and the African context. He brings to his work as a Master BUILD Leadership Educator an appreciation and understanding of the experiential nature of learning leadership as well as the value of individual coaching. Drawing on his experience in the nonprofit sector as well as his business school education, Segun has lead the creation and advancement of the entrepreneurial leadership curriculum impacting the lives of hundreds of youths and dozens of educators from across African and the world. Mr. O, as he is known on campus, is an eclectic soul and outside of the classroom enjoys listening to his collection of jazz records, supporting Arsenal FC and DC United, or working as a leadership coach and speaker.