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  • Developer
  • CentOS
  • Linux
  • MySQL
  • Networking
  • PHP
  • Postfix
  • Routers
  • Firewalls & Security
  • Ubuntu
  • WordPress


  • PHP Developer

    $40/hr Starting at $500

    I'm PHP with 10+ years of experience writing different sort of applications, from custom wordpress modules to scalable HA apps able to handle thousand of connections.

  • MySQL Administrator / Developer

    $40/hr Starting at $500

    10+ years of developing web apps using MySQL as database. Some of my projects use MySQL as single server, where another I had to install and manage HA MySQL cluster. Using my experience I can utilize...

  • System Administartor (Linux)

    $50/hr Starting at $500

    I work as system administrator for about 5 years installing and maintaining numerous Linux deployments using high security standards.

    CentOSLinuxNetworkingPostfixRouters Firewalls & Security

Spokane, WA, USA Past Earnings