Strong IT professional with broad knowledge in technologies I became a freelancer after leaving a well-paid full-time job in financial industry.
I wrote my first computer program in late 1980s and now have 16 years of employment experience as a computer programmer. I have good knowledge of calculus, telecommunications technologies and electronics. I like to assemble DIY audio amplifiers and read scientific literature.
My employment experience includes three of Fortune 500 companies. I have four years of financial industry experience. I have successfully completed numerous projects in design and optimization of large, high performance databases and skilled in process automation, text parsing, early warning programs, mobile network gateways and many other areas.
I am an enthusiast developer of new programming languages. My JS2DX project is a client-side JavaScript database coupled with an object-oriented language written with Procedural SQL.
Interested in projects that involve JavaScript programming, SQL optimization, Database design, API, calculus and devising innovative algorithms.
Before joining I was a freelancer on and have successfully completed many projects with good feedback.
I am punctual and write concise, "air-tight" code in reasonable amounts of time.
My education includes CS/IT, calculus and telecommunication technologies.
I fluently speak and write in English, Russian and basic Hebrew.
Work Terms
I am available 03:00-18:00 GMT seven days and may conduct calls at odd hours if needed. I prefer text communication and also available on Skype.