I have more than 8 years experience in Blockchain development as i started initially working in earlier stages of Ethereum and then later moved on to other frameworks.
Total Software Industry experience : 20+ years.
Currently concentrating on Blockchain with these topics : State Machine, Node Indexers, Low level VM, ZK Snark, Tendermint.
Working on Decentralized (Solana - Rust + C, Substrate - Rust + INK, Polkadot - Parachains / Parathreads, Cosmos - Go + Starport, Cardano - Haskell + Plutus, Ethereum - Solidity, Ocaml + Ligo - Tezos) and Centralized applications which are managed in the form of Containers / Services using Kubernetes / Portainer / Docker swarm.
Here are the details of my skills and projects i worked :
Distributed Systems : https://sbnair.github.io/distributed_systems/
Full Stack : https://sbnair.github.io/fullstackDev/
Data Science : https://sbnair.github.io/datascience_portfolio/
Blockchain : https://sbnaircrypto.netlify.app/
- Doing Business and Project Decisions based on proper analysis using technologies like BigData, Quantitative and Qualitative analysis, Market Research, Web scrapping, etc.
- Have Designed and Developed products from scratch in areas like Data Analytics, DeFi, Fintech, NFT, Blockchain projects worked with are Quorum, Polkadot/Substrate, Ethereum, Cosmos.
- Have Designed frameworks for Off-chain and On-chain products and some of languages used for On-Chain are ink!, WASM, Solidity, Golang, Rust, Java, C++, etc.
- Have managed multi cultural teams across the world comprising of 50 to 100 developers/testers and designers.
- Designed and Build software products irrespective of technology as a solo developer and i am a strong GitHub contributer using different platforms like heroku, metlife, azure, amazon, etc.
- Enjoyed in playing bridge between Business and Technology to solve uncertainty and have always shown interest to work in uncertain situations for leading team and business onto right path.
- Very proactive in learning and leveraging emerging technologies.
- Have worked with venture capitalists and was involved in designing business architecture of firms.
- Have domain expertise in di
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