Flutter Developer
I'm a Flutter Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the Mobile application field. Highly skilled flutter developer with approximately 3+ years of experience in developing productive apps, social media, delivery & Map integration, real-time chat, location tracking, in-app-purchase stripe payment gateway, Rest API integration, localization, and customization, having good experience in (MVVM, Clean Architecture, repository pattern)
state management(Bloc, Riverpod, Getx),
I am proficient at developing and maintaining responsive Frontend & Backend of Mobile Apps.I'm a Flutter Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the Mobile application field. Highly skilled flutter developer with approximately 3+ years of experience in developing productive apps, social media, delivery & Map integration, real-time chat, location tracking, in-app-purchase stripe payment gateway, Rest API integration, localization, and customization, having good experience in (MVVM, Clean Architecture, repository pattern)
state management(Bloc, Riverpod, Getx),
I am proficient at developing and maintaining responsive Frontend & Backend of Mobile Apps.I'm a Flutter Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the Mobile application field. Highly skilled flutter developer with approximately 3+ years of experience in developing productive apps, social media, delivery & Map integration, real-time chat, location tracking, in-app-purchase stripe payment gateway, Rest API integration, localization, and customization, having good experience in (MVVM, Clean Architecture, repository pattern)
state management(Bloc, Riverpod, Getx),
I am proficient at developing and maintaining responsive Frontend & Backend of Mobile Apps.